
The Masses
The Electronic Information Age


From the Liner Notes: On July 15, 1967, a vinyl proposition packaged in a dangling preposition was released into the world under the title of the book that inspired it. I’m talking about “the first spoken arts record you can dance to,” issued by Columbia Records as an acoustical interface to the Jerome Agel and Quentin Fiore cut-and-paste Marshall McLuhan paperback primer The Medium is the Massage.

The LP in question was a free-standing remix: an acoustical roller-coaster ride through whispers and shouts, ethereal theorizing and Laugh-In humor, studio wizardry and lollipop clips, conversational chitchat and prophetic pronouncements.

What’s the difference between this “second spoken arts record you can dance to” and its 1967 predecessor? For all its pop fizz, the latter dangles its propositions and prepo­sitions, but seems to leave the body stumbling, fumbling for itself on the dance floor. In its labors of reworking, The Electric Information Age Album honors its predecessor while seeking to further advance its claims.

Live Performances included the MiTO festival Milan, Italy in 2013 and PS1 Book Fair 2013

You can listen to the record and purchase the limited release vinyl album here


Selected Works

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Cooper Hewitt Design MuseumSite Specific Interactive Installation

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Toyota Mirai Hydrogen Fuel Cell CarWeb and Mobile campaign

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RockClockMobile App and Branding

Mãos Performance, MoMAVideo and Audio Performance

Android Leap SecondWeb and Mobile campaign, mobile app redesign

CrunchetApp and Sharing Platform

Smartwater Look upSite Specfic Interactive Installation and Website

Aventon: Ridesharing App for Mexico CityMobile Web-App and Platform

Listening StudioPermanent Interactive Installation

Kriegspiel Video GameVideo Game and Networked App

The Masses: Electric Information AgeAlbum and Video, Performances

Venice Biennial of Architecture: Costa Rica PavillionSite Specific Interactive Installation and Objects

Domus MixtapesPerformances, Publishing and Products

Film Sound Design and MixingSound for Screens