
Domus Mixtapes
Mixtape and Performance series for Domus Magazine


As an artist and DJ, I co-created a series of mixtapes called Sound of the City for Domus Magazine. The series lives both online as well as in print. The series is based on a simple method:

Pick a city. Pair a writer, designer or artist from that city with a dj or band from that city. Ask them one simple question: “What is the sound of your city?” From there, collect the sounds and songs, and have the artist or writer record a reading of the text. Then add a commissioned photograph from a local photographer, make free mix as a download, and put it in print. 12 Domus Mixtapes from 12 cities around the globe were created with artists ranging from Black Jks to dj /rupture to Architecture in Helsinki to ZZK records.

Domus Mixtapes Live: In addition, every other month, I performed these mixtapes live with the bands, djs and architects and writers together for an evening of music and sound. Performances, with the bands, djs and architects and writers, happened in London, Milan, New York, Moscow and San Jose, Costa Rica. The performances followed a similar format to the mixtapes, integrating both local musicians/djs and designers and writers as speakers, in a live and dynamic format

Mixtapes are published on Domus Magazine, like mixtape 12 here

and Domus Mixtapes can be found on Soundcloud Here


Selected Works

Driver Less Vision360 Dome Installation and VR

Under Armour: Giselle: I Will What I WantWeb and Mobile web campaign

XQ SuperschoolsWeb and mobile design for good

Tree VRMixed Reality and VR Installation

Eero's CloudsSite Specific VR

Cooper Hewitt Design MuseumSite Specific Interactive Installation

What is Missing? Maya Lin StudioInteractive Installation

Toyota Mirai Hydrogen Fuel Cell CarWeb and Mobile campaign

Hennesey: Harmony Mastered From ChaosWeb and Mobile campaign

RockClockMobile App and Branding

Mãos Performance, MoMAVideo and Audio Performance

Android Leap SecondWeb and Mobile campaign, mobile app redesign

CrunchetApp and Sharing Platform

Smartwater Look upSite Specfic Interactive Installation and Website

Aventon: Ridesharing App for Mexico CityMobile Web-App and Platform

Listening StudioPermanent Interactive Installation

Kriegspiel Video GameVideo Game and Networked App

The Masses: Electric Information AgeAlbum and Video, Performances

Venice Biennial of Architecture: Costa Rica PavillionSite Specific Interactive Installation and Objects

Domus MixtapesPerformances, Publishing and Products

Film Sound Design and MixingSound for Screens